I felt compelled to write this as I believe it is crucially important to convey who I am, what I aim to achieve, what I stand for, my strengths/weaknesses; simply, my operating system. Originally, written to find a cofounder for my previous company, and now updated as a continue to discover the next part of my journey.
(Currently live in NYC metro)
I would describe myself as a deeply fortunate and grateful, yet incredibly unsatisfied being. Life has dealt me a seriously good hand in life; I was given all-functioning limbs, an insatiable mind, birth in one of the most economically powerful countries in the world, loving immigrant parents, and a soul hungry for adventure. I would argue that not despite, but because of these reasons I feel a burning desire to spread the fortunate circumstances I was given in the world to others.
I was born in New Jersey to two hard-working immigrant parents from Pakistan with one older sister, and moved to a small town in North Carolina at the age of six. While growing up most of my time was spent with a large (>80) extended family all located in the same small town in NC, which is truly a blessing. I have a niece who is absolutely the greatest thing in the world. I, also, met the love of my life to whom I am now married, and is a major addition to the bedrock of my existence.
I studied Chemical Engineering in college, and only realized it was not what excited me at the very end of my college career. I taught myself to write code for fun, and only later realized the joy of building solutions to various problems through code. But, learning how a manufacturing facility worked taught me a lot about how physical goods get made. A perspective I do not forget.
I started a startup in 2016, called Trakex, that made 3-D scanning technology for large shipments to allow trucking companies to price based on how much space something took up in a truck. I got into YC mostly because our team was incredible at chasing down customers and getting them to work with us. Ultimately, this business failed but it launched my career into startups where I've served in various roles:
I am convinced that crypto/blockchains will likely change almost every aspect of human civilization, with potential for both the good and the bad. It is an incredible opportunity to reset everything that we've come to take for granted in the 21st century, and re-architect it for a more equitable society. I aim to contribute towards that vision.
I've spent a significant amount of time self-reflecting and answering the important personal questions: What do I want to do and why I want to do it? I realized that what drives me in my core is the sense of mission. To be able to dedicate the time necessary to accomplish incredible feats, you need something grander than money and fame, and that is a mission.
What I want to do is to help the world improve on three specific axes:
At the time of writing this, I am primarily focused on mission number 1. I am aiming to live my life in a sustainable way as much as I humanly (yet flawed) as I can and a deep interest in exploring space in my future, if am I given one.
I'll try to bullet through these.